Advances in technology over the past two decades have
brought information to the most isolated regions. Media convergence allows
the dissemination of the same news in various forms (print, radio, television,
Internet). But the gross of the information that is disseminated across
the planet is commercial and standardized, designed to maximize investor's
profits and insensitive to social justice and equity. Women across the
world, concerned with the impact of media on their lives, insisted in
1995 that the United Nations make media a critical area of concern.
This book gives an overview of the progress made in the media landscape
in the six years that followed the United Nations Conference on Women
in Beijing in 1995 and highlights the obstacles encountered by women in
each world region. Faced with media that makes so little place for them,
women have developed strategies to produce information that is balanced
and representative, to claim their place and to present new voices and
new images: a newspaper in Haiti, multimedia books for rural African women,
a feminist press agency in Mexico, community radio in East Timor, interactive
television in France, journalist networks in the Middle East, an Internet
network for peace in Macedonia. This book is a journey through the world
of women's accomplishments in the field of media, accomplishments that
point the way to making information accessible.