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Preview 2000 No3, January 2000 WomenAction 2000
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Resources and Contacts
UNITED NATIONS BEIJING PLUS FIVE CONTACT: UN Division for the Advancement of Women Two United Nations Plaza, 12th Floor New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: (1-212) 963-8034. Fax: (1-212) 963-3463 E-mail: <koh.miyaoi@un.org> Web site: < www.un.org/womenwatch/daw>Contact: Koh Miyaoi, Information OfficerUNITED NATIONS REGIONAL COMMISSIONS: Africa UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Centre for African Women, Africa Hall PO Box 3001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: (251-1) 51-49-45. Fax: (251-1) 51-44-16 E-mail: <ouedraogoj.uneca@un.org> *Website: < www.un.org/depts/eca/news/mtng99.htm> Contact: Josephine Ouedraogo, Director,Asia and the Pacific UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Women in Development Section,UN Bldg, Rajadamnern Nok Ave., Bangkok 10200, Thailand Tel: (66-2) 288-1989. Fax: (66-2) 288-1018 E-mail: <wid@unescap.org> *Website: < http://www.unescap.org> Contact: Thelma Kay, Chief, WID Section![]() Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL), WID Unit, Edificio Naciones Unidas, Avenida Dag Hammarskjold, Casilla 179-D, Santiago de Chile. Tel: (56-2) 210-2000. Fax: (56-2) 208-0252 E-mail: <dalmeras@eclac.cl> **Website: < http://www.uneclac.org.cl> Contact: Diane Almeras, Social Affairs OfficerEurope and North America Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Gender Focal Point,Palais de Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: (41-22) 917-2670. Fax: (41-22) 917-0036 E-mail: <patrice.robineau@unece.org> **Website: < http://www.unece.org> Contact: Patrice Robineau,Western Asia Economic & Social Commission for W. Asia, (ESCWA), Women and Development P.O. Box 11-8575, Riad el-Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: (961-1) 98-13-01. Fax: (961-1) 98-15-10 E-mail: <unescwa@escwa.org.lb> **Website: < www.escwa.org.lb> Contact: Fatima Kassem, Chief, WID UnitNGO BEIJING PLUS FIVE CONTACTS: NGO Global Activities: NGO Coordinating Committee for Beijing + 5 c/o CONGO, 8th Floor, 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: (1-212) 986-8557. Fax: (1-212) 986-0821 E-mail: <congongo@aol.com> Contact: Sudha Acharya (Beijing+5 Focal Pt) NGO Committee on the Status of Women 12th Floor, 777 UN Plaza, NYk, NY 10017, USA Tel: (1-212) 692-0725. Fax: (1-212) 692-0724 E-mail: <ngo_csw_ny@hotmail.com> Contact: Lesley Wright NOTE: For NGO Committees on the Status of Women in Geneva and Vienna -partners with the NY/CSW in coordinating activities for Beijing + 5- please see EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA. Assoc. for Progressive Communications/Women's Network Support Programme (APC/WNSP) 74-77 White Lion St, London n1 9pf, UK Tel: (44-171) 713-1941. Fax: (44-171) 837-5551 E-mail: <karenb@gn.apc.org> URL: < http://www.gn.apc.org> Contact: karen banks.International Women's Tribune Centre *** 777 United Nations Plaza, NY, NY 10017. USA Tel: (1-212) 687-8633. Fax: (1-212) 661-2704 E-mail:<iwtc@igc.org> Website: < http://www.womenink.org> Contact: Anne S. Walker, Executive DirectorWomen's Features Service *** 1 Nizamuddin East, New Delhi 110-013 India Tel: (91-11) 462-9886 .Fax: (91-11) 461-1138 E-mail: <wfs@unv.ernet.in> Contact: Anita Anand. NGO REGIONAL ACTIVITIES: Africa: Sara Longwe, Chair, FEMNET African Women's Development and Communi-cations Network PO Box 54562, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (254-2) 74-13-20. Fax: (254-2) 74-29-27 Email: <sara&roy@samnet.zm> ENDA-Synfev 4 rue Kleber, BP 3370, Dakar, Senegal Tel: (221) 821-60-27. Fax: (221) 822-26-95 Email: <mhms@enda.sn> or <synfev@enda.sn> Web:< http://www.enda.sn/synfev/synfev.html> Contact: Marie Helene Sylla MottinWOMENSNET PO Box 31, Johannesburg 2000, South Africa Tel: (27-11) 838-69-43. Fax: (27-11) 492-10-58 Email: <women@wn.apc.org> Website: < http://womensnet.org.za> Contact: Lynn DanzigIsis/WICCE PO Box, 4934, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (256-41) 54-39-53. Fax: (256-41) 54-39-54 Email: <isis@starcom.co.ug> Contacts: Ruth Ochieng and Jessica Nkuye Asia and the Pacific: Eileen Pittaway, Chairperson, ANCORW Australian National Ctee on Refugee Women Tel: (61-2) 649-4066. Fax: (61-2) 924-6769 Email: <tuckway@nsw.bigpond.net.au> Isis International/Manila *** #3 Marunong St., Brgy., Central District, Quezon City, Philippines Tel: (63-2) 435-3405. Fax: (63-2) 924-1065 E-mail: <isis@isiswomen.org> Website: < http://www.isiswomen.org> Contact: Luz M. Martinez or Chat GarciaAsian Women's Resource Exchange (AWORC) c/o Isis International/Manila (see above) Website: <jca.ax.apc.org/aworc/> Asian and Pacific Development Ctr. (APDC) Gender and Development Programme P.O. Box 12224, Persiaran Duta, 50770 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel/Fax: (60-3) 651-9209 E-mail: <gad@pc.jaring.my> Contact: Vanessa Griffin, Director Pacific Regional YWCA PO Box 3940, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Tel: (679) 304-961. Fax: (679) 301-222 E-mail: <pac-ywca@sopacsun.sopac.org.fj> Contact: Salamo Fulivai or Amelia Rokotuivuna SPC/PWRB South Pacific Commission/Pacific Women's Resource Bureau BP D5 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia Tel: (687) 26-20-00. Fax: (687) 26-38-18 Email: <evelynek@spc.org.nc> Contact: Emele Duituturaga, Director Europe and North America: NGO Committee on the Status of Women Kirchengasse 26, A-1070, Vienna, Austria Tel/Fax: (43-1) 893-3926.. Contact: Maria Jonas European WomenAction 2000 (inc. IIAV, Karat Coalition, The European Women's Lobby, Les Pénélopes, FAFIA/Canada, US WomenConnect, CDEACF and APC/WNSP/UK) c/o IIAV (Int. Archives for the Women's Movement), Obiplein 4, 1094 RB Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: (31-20) 665-1318. Fax: (31-20) 665-4267 E-mail: <pugh@iiav.nl>. Contact: Lin Pugh. Web: < http://www.iiav.nl>European Women's Lobby 18, rue Hydraulique, B-1210, Brussels, Belgium Tel: (32-2) 217-90-20. Fax: (32-2) 219-84-51 E-mail: <ewl@womenlobby.org>. Contact: Executive Director US WomenConnect, P. O. Box 33847, Washington, DC 20033, USA Tel: (1-202) 667-8227. Fax: (1-202) 667-8236 E-mail: <uswc@uswc.org> Website: < http://www.uswc.org> Contact: Suzanne Kindervatter.Canadian Feminist Alliance for Inter. Action 151 Slater St., Room 408, Ottawa,Canada K1P 5H3 Tel: 613-563-0681, Fax 613-563-0682 E-mail: <criaw@sympatico.ca> Contact: Charlotte Thibault. APC/Canada 226 Geoffrey St., Toronto, ON M6R 1P8, CANADA Tel (1-416) 516-8138. Fax (1-416) 516-0131 E-mail: <maureen@web.apc.org> Website: < http://www.apc.org> Contact: Maureen James.Latin America/Caribbean: Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA), PO Box 442 Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago Tel: (1-868) 663-8670. Fax: (1-868) 663-6482 E-mail: <cafrainfo@wow.net> Contact: Cathy Shepherd Isis Internacional/Santiago Casilla 2067, Correo Central, Santiago, Chile Tel: (56-2) 633-4582. Fax: (56-2) 638-3142 E-mail: <isis@reuna.cl> Website: < http://www.isis.cl> Contact: Ximena CharnesWestern Asia General Federation of Jordanian Women PO Box 9796, Jabel El-Hussain, Amman, Jordan Fax: (962-6) 694-810. Contact: Emily Nafee Alliance for Arab Women 28 Adly Street, Cairo, Egypt Tel: (20-2) 393-9899. Fax: (20-2) 393-6820 Contact: Hoda Badran NGO GLOBAL BEIJING + 5 WEB SITES: WomenAction 2000: < http://www.womenaction.org> Launched on 26 November, 1999, International Day Against Violence Against Women. Contact Karen Banks at<karenb@gn.apc.org> or <info@womenaction.org>.Women's Human Rights Network: < http://www.whrnet.org> Launched on 14 November, 1999 at the AWID Forum in Washington, DC. Contact: Oliva Acosta at <oacosta@jet.es>NGO REGIONAL BEIJING +5 WEBSITES: Africa: WomenAction 2000: < http://www.womenaction.org/africa.html>WomensNet (South Africa): < http://womensnet.org.za>ENDA/Synfev (Senegal): < http://www.famafrique.org> (French)FemNet (Kenya): < http://www.africaonline.co.ke/femnet>Asia/Pacific: WomenAction 2000: < http://www.womenaction.org/asia.html>AWORC/Asia Women's Resource Exchange: < http://www.jca.apc.org/aworc/bpfa/>Isis International/Manila: < http://www.isiswomen.org/>Latin America/Caribbean WomenAction 2000: < http://www.womenaction.org/carrib.html>ALAI (Ecuador): < http://www.alainet.org> (Sp. and Eng.)Isis Internacional/Santiago: < http://www.isis.cl> (Spanish)Fempress (Santiago): < http://www.fempress.cl> (Spanish)North America US WomenConnect (USA): < http://www.uswc.org>FAFIA (Canada): < http://www.sympatico.ca/criaw> (French and English)Platform for Action Committee (Canada): < http://www.freenet.mb.ca/unpac>Europe: WomenAction 2000: < http://www.womenaction.org/europe.html>IIAV (The Netherlands): < http://www.iiav.nl>GreenNet (UK): < http://www.gn.apc.org/apcwomen>UN BEIJING + 5 WEB SITES: WomenWatch: (UN women's website) < http://www.un.org/womenwatch>UNIFEM: (UN Development Fund for Women) < http://www.unifem.undp.org>UN/DAW: (UN Div. for Advancement of Women) < http://www.un.org/daw>UN/INSTRAW: (UN Institute for Training and Research for the Advancement of Women) < http://www.un.org/instraw>UNDP/GIDP: (UNDP/Gender in Dev. Programme) < http://www.undp.org/gender>Back to Issue 3, January 2000 Contents Page
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